Garance A Drosihn wrote:

I have had very good luck with portupgrade, on multiple freebsd
systems on multiple platforms.  I do avoid the biggies like KDE
or Gnome, which obviously helps.

Since half the ports i have on my machine, if not 3/4 require one or the other of Gnome libraries, using portupgrade and avoiding Gnome
seems to me a contradictory position. Of course if you limit yourself
to some simple ports, with very limited dependencies, then i have no
problem beleiving portupgrade works for you. At least portupgrade
minimally avoids some breakage by keeping old libraries under compat.
Regarding KDE, i have never encountered any problem with it, personnally. I have always seen it compiling straight away.
In the past it was not always running without glitches and core dumps,
but now i don't see such behavior any more. I cannot say the same
of a lot of other softs.

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