On Tue, December 4, 2007 1:18 pm, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> :# pkg_search fvwm
> :fvwm-2.4.20          Newer version of X11 Virtual window manager
> :fvwm-2.5.24          Development version of X11 Virtual window manager
> :fvwm-themes-0.6.2nb8 Configuration framework for fvwm2 with samples
> :fvwm-wharf-1.0nb1    Copy of AfterStep's Wharf compatible with fvwm2
> :fvwm1-1.24rnb1       Virtual window manager for X

If Matthias or someone wants to add this feature suggestion (I won't have
any spare time in the next few days): it'd be nice if pkg_search returned
the detailed description for something when there was only one match for
the search term.  i.e. default to the -i results when the only match is
the explicit package.

This is similar to the search on pkgsrc.se, where if the package name you
search for is an exact match, you go right to the page for it instead of
having to click through a search results page with only one result.

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