On Tuesday, October 18, 2011 9:05:48 AM Kent Närling wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the status of CXF continuations and where do I find the best
> documentation on how to use it?
> Is the support for continuations usable for production? I see some
> mentionings of beta status etc but that might be outdated?

Likely outdated.   It's definitely used heavily in Camel.   I just spent the 
last week really pounding on this area in Camel so I know they work fairly 
well.   In some cases "too well".  :-)

Seriously, I was running into major issues where due to the continuations, I 
was filling up all the workqueues all over the place and had thousands of 
requests outstanding.  Quickly ran out of file handles/sockets.

> Also, I tried to look for documentation how to use it but the best I found
> was the "musings" on Sergey Beryozkin's blog from 2008, which is very brief?
> Surely there must be something better with samples etc?
> Lastly, how good of an option IS continuations for writing eg a truly
> asynchronous SOAP proxy (eg that gets SOAP requests and proxies into another
> asynchronous protocol)?
> I mean mainly for performance point of view?

This is very similar to what I was trying to do with Camel and Camel is really 
a good option for this.  (well, it WILL be with 2.8.2)   You really can do 
from("cxf://....").to("jms:...") and with the continuations that Camel uses, 
it should work quite well.   I was doing pure SOAP -> SOAP proxying, but many 
of the ideas are the same.   That said, current versions of Camel have major 
performance issue in this area.  Should be fixed in the next version.


> Is there no truly message-based interface for SOAP processing?
> Best regards,
> Kent
Daniel Kulp
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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