Hello CXF Community,

I am developing CXF based OAuth2 flow supporting application. I have
developed Oauth2 Authorization server and Resource Server. When I do testing
using postaman I am getting result from every URL as expected.

I have gone through below sample implementation but it is not based on
"code-grant filters"

Using attached code I am able to get successful redirect to decision URL.
When I click on Allow OAuth2 server generate code and redirect to client url
"view-quote" but ClientCodeRequestFilter does not call access token url to
get Bearer token.
beans.xml <http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/file/t341696/beans.xml>  

I have tried to find any implementation of oauth2 cxf client using cod-grant
filter (ClientCodeRequestFilter ) but not able to find it.

Sent from: http://cxf.547215.n5.nabble.com/cxf-user-f547216.html

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