I was able to make the test suceed, by simply replacing this line :

connection.modify( dn, new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, "displayName", "Test User1 updated" ) );


connection.modify( dn, new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, "displayName", "test user1 updated" ) );

That means the modify() operation does not normalize the value before storing it into the bakend, keeping the uper cases, when the filter use a regexp which is case sensitive.

There is clearly a bug in the way we process the modification, the value *must* be normalized.

I'll fix that asap.

Le 6/25/12 1:31 PM, Emmanuel Lécharny a écrit :
Ok, problem confirmed. I don't even have to create 80K entries, I get the issue with only 4 entries...

Invertigation the issue right now. A clear bug, in any case !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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