Hi all,

I have to teach on Mondays from 9:30AM--10:20AM (Central US time), so this
semester, I will need to dial in a bit late to ET telecons (next Monday,
MLK Day, is an exception).

I would like to add two items to the 2015 wish list, having to do with
making it easier for IllinoisGRMHD to be used with the rest of the Toolkit:
1) Modify HydroBase so that staggered A-fields are supported. The best
strategy will require that we consider how initial data thorns might be
made compatible with staggered or unstaggered A-field, as well as
B-field-only evolutions.
2) Incorporate staggered prolongation/restriction operators into Carpet.


*     *     *
Zachariah Etienne
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
West Virginia University

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Frank Loeffler <kn...@cct.lsu.edu> wrote:

> Present were: Erik, Ian, Steve, Frank, Peter, Barry, Josef, Roland,
> (problems with audio), and others I don't remember anymore (sorry, but
> they also didn't speak up)
> We first talked about plans for 2015. Mentioned were:
> - ET meeting in Europe, doodle poll about location and time
>   - either in Italy (close to MG meeting) or Sweden (Micra)
>   - either mid-July or mid-end August
> - Improving timelevel handling and making Carpet more flexible wrt time
>   prolongation orders etc (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/620)
> - Dependency-based scheduling, to avoid errors and allow potential
>   parallelization
> - Make tests independent of number of processes, or run on the right
>   number (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1075,
>   https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1230).
> - Get tickets under control
>   (https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1698)
> - Adding some Hydro analysis tools used by Frank and the Parma group
> - Working on Chemora, adding to the ET eventually
> - Getting some more interesting single-NS initial data into the ET
> - Adding Llama. Since Llama is public now, and officially released
>   there would need to be a chaperon.
> - Including an elliptic solver
> Specific tickets/issues mentioned were
> - having a type that is CCTK_INT8 by default on 64-bit platforms
>   Here the consensus seems to be that using CCTK_INT as
>   platform-dependent type should be ok.
> - Adding a new type CCTK_INT16
> - Merging the McLachlan rewrite branch
>   There is a wiki page about that:
> https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Rewrite_McLachlan
>   If nobody objects this looks like to be happening soon.
> - The Jenkins Server will move to the PI. Erik and Ian will coordinate
>   on that, and Frank volunteered to help.
> - McLachlan will move to bitbucket. The timeframe was not fixed, but is
>   expected to be "soonish".
> Frank
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