Thanks to all of you who educated me yesterday about DS annotation
inheritance in bnd. I implemented it and it works very well. However,
I have an incremental challenge.

What I have here is a gaggle of web services. Most of the logic is
common across them and lives in a base class, which now has @Reference
injection to pick up things it needs from the larger environment, and
activate/deactivate to manage lifecycle.

However, I'd like to enable these services to come from disparate
teams. Given the injunction to avoid cross-bundle inheritance of the
DS annotations, I can't just export the package containing the base
class from one bundle and then tell the teams to import and inherit.

It only took about five minutes to think of the idea of putting each
service in a fragment -- and then discard it, due to the fact that
fragments can't carry DS metadata (according to Stack Overflow).

Is there another trail to follow here, or is there just an inescapable
dilemma between repeating DS annotations and decoupling the pieces?

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