On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Neil Bartlett <njbartl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 18 Nov 2015, at 12:46, Benson Margulies <ben...@basistech.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 7:38 AM, Neil Bartlett <njbartl...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:njbartl...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Fragments are not allowed to declare the Service-Component header (or
>>> rather, if they do it will be ignored by SCR). It is however possible for
>>> the DS XML and/or classes to be located in fragments, so long as the
>>> Service-Component header is declared on the host bundle. So that may be one
>>> route.
>> Right, that's the reading I did that caused me to conclude that I
>> couldn't just trivially decorate classes in a fragment with DS
>> annotations. I don't want the host to 'know' in advance the inventory
>> of the fragments.
> Right, this is certainly a limitation. Also you really don’t want to use 
> fragments if you can avoid it.
>>> Why not follow a composition approach rather than inheritance? You could
>>> have a single aggregator component that is injected with all the various
>>> services, and is then published as a service. Each of your smaller
>>> components can then inject the aggregate service component.
>> I more or less started with this, but the problem I had was deciding
>> when all the services had arrived at the aggregator. I had to give the
>> aggregator a property that told it how many services to expect, and
>> this made me sad. I might be able to make the aggregator deal with
>> them one-at-a-time instead of needing them all together, and then this
>> would work tolerably well.
> Notwithstanding your mood swings, what is wrong with setting the service 
> references to mandatory (which is the default anyway)? Then the aggregator 
> component will not be published until the references are satisfied.

Mood swing humor aside, there might be 10 today, and 15 tomorrow. I
prefer it to just self-organize. However, since I now think that I can
make the aggregator deal with them one at a time, I can follow your
general advice without any problem at all.

>> Another line of thought I have involves letting them be fragments and
>> then having the host collect them all and aggregate them. Is there a
>> tasteful pattern for a host bundle to take note of its fragments, or
>> is that inevitably ugly?
> Given your BundleWiring instance, you can find all the wires provided by your 
> bundle in the ‘osgi.wiring.host' namespace (HostNamespace.HOST_NAMESPACE) and 
> following them through to their requirers. But I’m not sure what you are 
> planning to do next with this information…

Something pretty unpleasant. I will stick to the aggregation pattern
you suggested.

>>> Neil
>>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Benson Margulies <ben...@basistech.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks to all of you who educated me yesterday about DS annotation
>>>> inheritance in bnd. I implemented it and it works very well. However,
>>>> I have an incremental challenge.
>>>> What I have here is a gaggle of web services. Most of the logic is
>>>> common across them and lives in a base class, which now has @Reference
>>>> injection to pick up things it needs from the larger environment, and
>>>> activate/deactivate to manage lifecycle.
>>>> However, I'd like to enable these services to come from disparate
>>>> teams. Given the injunction to avoid cross-bundle inheritance of the
>>>> DS annotations, I can't just export the package containing the base
>>>> class from one bundle and then tell the teams to import and inherit.
>>>> It only took about five minutes to think of the idea of putting each
>>>> service in a fragment -- and then discard it, due to the fact that
>>>> fragments can't carry DS metadata (according to Stack Overflow).
>>>> Is there another trail to follow here, or is there just an inescapable
>>>> dilemma between repeating DS annotations and decoupling the pieces?
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