On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 2:01 AM, Cristiano <cvgav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Neil,
> yes, it was the output from felix scr:list command.
> Take a look at the bundles loaded in PDE below.
> id    State       Bundle
>> 0    ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.13.0.v20180409-1500
>>                 Fragments=18
>> 1    STARTING    br.com.c8tech.osgi.lib.cm_0.1.1.SNAPSHOT
>> 2    STARTING    br.com.c8tech.osgi.lib_0.1.1.SNAPSHOT
>> 3    ACTIVE      ch.qos.logback.classic_1.2.3
>> 4    ACTIVE      ch.qos.logback.core_1.2.3
>> 5    ACTIVE      org.apache.felix.gogo.command_1.0.2
>> 6    ACTIVE      org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime_1.1.0
>> 7    ACTIVE      org.apache.felix.gogo.shell_1.1.0
>> 8    ACTIVE      org.apache.felix.logback_1.0.0
>> *9    ACTIVE      org.apache.felix.scr_2.1.0*
>> 10    ACTIVE      org.eclipse.equinox.cm_1.3.0.v20180418-1839
>> 11    ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.10.0.v20180412-1130
>> 12    ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.console_1.3.0.v20180119-0630
>> 13    RESOLVED org.eclipse.equinox.coordinator_1.3.500.v20171221-2204
>> 14    ACTIVE      org.eclipse.equinox.ds_1.5.100.v20171221-2204
>> 15    ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.event_1.4.200.v20180426-0845
>> 16    RESOLVED org.eclipse.equinox.metatype_1.4.400.v20180501-1616
>> 17    ACTIVE org.eclipse.equinox.preferences_3.7.100.v20180510-1129
>> 18    RESOLVED org.eclipse.equinox.region_1.4.100.v20171221-2204
>>                 Master=0
>> 19    ACTIVE      org.eclipse.equinox.util_1.1.0.v20180419-0833
>> 20    RESOLVED    org.eclipse.osgi.services_3.7.0.v20180223-1712
>> 21    RESOLVED    org.eclipse.osgi.util_3.5.0.v20180219-1511
>> 22    RESOLVED    slf4j.api_1.7.25

I notice that you are using both org.eclipse.equinox.ds AND
org.apache.felix.scr. You really shouldn't use multiple SCR implementations
in the same OSGi Framework, they are likely to conflict and/or create
duplicates of every component.

> and if you repair a bit in my latest email, you will see that I've passed
> the component name to the scr:info command.

This is probably the problem. If you pass in the ID of a component
configuration (which will be a number) then you will see the full
inspection information for that configuration. If you only pass a component
name then you will see higher level information.

> Well, after a loooong day playing with this issue I finally found the
> reason of such weird problem: *can't use **org.apache.felix.scr_2.1.0 with
> **equinox photon *!!!

I do not think this is true.

> even though *org.eclipse.equinox.ds* is allowing it on its manifest:

Again, you don't need two SCR implementations! You should just remove

> Require-Bundle: org.apache.felix.scr;bundle-ve
>> rsion="[2.0.0,3.0.0)";visibility:=reexport
> and also org.apache.felix.scr is being activated without any error:
> 20:55:20||INFO|ServiceEvent REGISTERED {org.apache.felix.scr.ScrService}={
>> service.id=48, service.bundleid=14, service.scope=singleton}|E.S.o
>> .eclipse.equinox.ds||E.S.o.e.e.ds@?[Start Level: Equinox Container:
>> efcce77e-ec67-408f-a0a2-1a83d6547c3c]
> I was not able to discover the real reason for that incompatibility. maybe
> is something related to equinox.ds reexporting felix.scr packages or
> because it is tied to DS 1.3.
> But the fact is that after I have replaced the org.apache.felix.scr by
> version 2.0.14  I was able to debug and identify my issue. :-)
> I've simulated one problem (removed EventAdmin bundle) just to show how
> different the output of the command scr:info is now:
> g! scr:info c8tech.osgi.lib.cm.internal.ComponentProviderConfigurationEx
>> tendedService
>> *** Bundle: br.com.c8tech.osgi.lib.cm (1)
>> Component Description:
>>   Name: c8tech.osgi.lib.cm.internal.ComponentProviderConfigurationEx
>> tendedService
>>   Implementation Class: c8tech.osgi.lib.cm.internal.Co
>> mponentProviderConfigurationExtendedService
>>   Default State: enabled
>>   Activation: immediate
>>   Configuration Policy: optional
>>   Activate Method: activate
>>   Deactivate Method: deactivate
>>   Modified Method: -
>>   Configuration Pid: [c8tech.osgi.lib.cm.internal.C
>> omponentProviderConfigurationExtendedService]
>>   Services:
>>     c8tech.osgi.lib.api.cm.ConfigurationAdminExtendedService
>>   Service Scope: singleton
>>   Reference: ConfigurationAdmin
>>     Interface Name: org.osgi.service.cm.ConfigurationAdmin
>>     Cardinality: 1..1
>>     Policy: static
>>     Policy option: reluctant
>>     Reference Scope: bundle
>>   Reference: EventAdminService
>>     Interface Name: org.osgi.service.event.EventAdmin
>>     Cardinality: 1..1
>>     Policy: static
>>     Policy option: reluctant
>>     Reference Scope: bundle
>>   Reference: PreferencesService
>>     Interface Name: org.osgi.service.prefs.PreferencesService
>>     Cardinality: 1..1
>>     Policy: static
>>     Policy option: reluctant
>>     Reference Scope: bundle
>>   Component Description Properties:
>>   Component Configuration:
>>     ComponentId: 0
>>     State: unsatisfied reference
>>     SatisfiedReference: ConfigurationAdmin
>>       Target: null
>>       (unbound)
>>     SatisfiedReference: PreferencesService
>>       Target: null
>>       (unbound)
>>     UnsatisfiedReference: EventAdminService
>>       Target: null
>>       (no target services)
>>     Component Configuration Properties:
>>         component.id = 0
>>         component.name = c8tech.osgi.lib.cm.internal.Co
>> mponentProviderConfigurationExtendedService
> thanks to all,
> Cristiano
> On 11/07/2018 15:21, Neil Bartlett wrote:
>> Indeed this cannot be the scr:info command from Felix SCR, because the
>> Felix command requires an argument (the component ID) and would have
>> failed
>> when called without one.
>> Perhaps a bundle listing would help us identify what you are working with.
>> Neil

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