Thanks for the information, Guillaume. Much appreciated. Based on this
information, I did some further research. Some of this stuff isn't well
documented, so for anyone finding this later, here is what I understand:

   - Gosh is an abbreviation for Gogo Shell. Sure, that seems obvious to
   you now that I've pointed it out, but you wouldn't believe how much
   googling I did on this mysterious thing before it finally came to me. lol
   - gosh_profile is a startup script for the Gogo Shell. You place it in
   an "etc" directory relative to the working directory where the framework is
   started. If you put shell-like echo commands in this file, you will see
   them when you start Gogo.
   - The location of gosh_profile can be changed using the system property
   gosh.home. (I didn't test this).
   - I found no documentation on how to code a gosh_profile, and it isn't
   even clear to me what language it uses.
   - The JLine 3 Git repository contains code for both telnet and SSH
   - The sample gosh_profile given in the JLine repository has code to add
   commands to Gogo for enabling telnetd.This gosh_profile causes exceptions
   to be thrown when used in an OSGi environment.
   - It's unclear to me if proper telnet/ssh support could be enabled
   without some coding. Quite possibly it could by someone with sufficient
   knowledge of JLine and the intricacies of gosh_profile.

I'm only about 80% sure of everything that I said above, and some of my
terminology could be a bit off, so take it with a grain of salt.


On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 2:46 AM Guillaume Nodet <> wrote:

> The remote shell bundle does not support the JLine gogo integration. The
> code is 10 years old and has not been maintained.
> JLine requires a terminal to be created and setup when the CommandSession
> is created and this step is not done by the remote shell bundle.
> If you want remote access, JLine provides good telnet and ssh support for
> incoming connections.
> For example if you start the main JLine demo which uses gogo, but outside
> OSGi, you can then run:
>   > telnetd start
> which starts the telnet daemon and you can then connect remotely.
> The commands are registered via a custom gosh_profile script which is
> executed when a gogo shell is created:

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