On Fri., Jul. 31, 2020, 3:56 a.m. Huizhi Lu, <ihuizh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Felix Community,
> I have a question regarding using maven-bundle-plugin. I have a case like
> this:
> abc.jar has org.apache.felix.abc.A.class
> module xyz depends on module abc, module xyz also has
> org.apache.felix.abc.B.class

Doesn't this create a split-package scenario where both module abc and
module xyz export the same package
org.apache.felix.abc ?

What I would like to do is
> <Export-Package>
> !org.apache.felix.abc.A.class,   // this doesn't work.
> org.apache.felix.abc
> </Export-Package>
> I would like to exclude a specific class in export-package,

Could you not make org.apache.felix.abc.B package private?

- Ray

but it seems
> the negation mark(!) only excludes a package, right? Do you have an idea
> that I could exclude A.class in xyz.jar?
> Thanks!
> -Huizhi

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