
I'm trying to create an OSGi bundle from an existing ear-file in order to 
deploy the ear-file as an OSGi bundle in Payara (that "internally" uses Felix 
as its OSGi env). To do this I'm using maven-bundle-plugin (version 4.2.1 if 
that matters).

The problem I'm facing is that when deploying, Payara can't seem to find any 
valid EJBs in the bundle and thus fails to deploy the bundle correctly (it gets 
installed, in OSGi-terms, correctly but does not deploy, in Java EE terms, 
correctly). This is obviously not the fault of maven-bundle-plugin but I 
suspect that I'm not using the instructions correctly to build my ear-file.

This is what I'm attempting:

Using maven-ear-plugin to build/assemble the ear file (this is what we've 
always done).
Using maven-bundle-plugin to generate a proper Manifest file and using that 
manifest as the manifest of the ear file.

Now, the reason I'm asking about this on this mail list is because 
maven-bundle-plugin generates a warning:

[WARNING] Manifest se.conciliate:MTServer-EAR:ear:5.2-u2 : Classes found in the 
wrong directory: 
 [...lots of more classes]}

I suspect that this leads to maven-bundle-plugin not recognizing the classes 
correctly and thus not generating a proper class-path or correct import/export 
package instructions.

Here is the configuration I'm using for maven-bundle-plugin


The ear-file contains a war file that in turn contains JAX-RS classes and an 
"embedded" ejb.jar with classes for entity java beans.

Has anyone gotten something like this working? An EAR-file with an OSGi 
manifest successfully deployed to Payara/Glassfish.

I've also asked about this over at Payara (as a more general question about how 
to deploy OSGi bundles to Payara) but none of the answers has helped me resolve 
this issue, which is why I'm trying here too.

Best Regards,
Per-Erik Svensson

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