Hi Steve,

You are correct. I just checked, and indeed, what you are describing can be
done using the DM api, but it's not supported when using annotations.
As a work around, you can do the following: in your SomeDomainSpecificClass
aspect implementation, you can manually register the aspect service using
a  bundle context, like this:

(I assume the "SomeDomainSpecificClassAspect" is the implementation of your
SomeDomainSpecificClass aspect:

import org.apache.felix.dm.annotation.api.AspectService;
import org.apache.felix.dm.annotation.api.Inject;
import org.apache.felix.dm.annotation.api.Start;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

@AspectService(ranking = 10, service=SomeDomainSpecificClass.class)
public class SomeDomainSpecificClassAspect implements
SomeDomainSpecificClass, EntitySynchronizer {

    BundleContext bc;

    void start() {
        bc.registerService(EntitySynchronizer.class, this, null);


Doing so will register the aspect implementation also as an
EntitySynchronizer service.
Would this work around be fine for you ? let me know.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 2:23 PM Steve Runion <steve.run...@myfuelmaster.com>

> ....
> AspectComponent =
> getDependencyManager().createAspectComponent().setAspect(SomeDomainSpecificClass.class,
> null, 10)
> component.setInterface(EntitySynchronizer.class, properties);
> component
>       .add(getDependencyManager()
>             .createServiceDependency()
>             .setService(EventMediator.class)
>             .setRequired(true))
>       .add(getDependencyManager()
>             .createServiceDependency()
>             .setService(LogService.class)
>             .setRequired(false));
> return component;
> For example this is what one of our Activators look like. Our component
> aspects <aspectedInterface> and also implements EntitySynchronizer. There
> are other services (only a handful AFAIK) that whiteboard in
> EntitySynchronizers and monitor the health of them by that interface.
> ________________________________
> From: Steve Runion <steve.run...@myfuelmaster.com>
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 5:18 AM
> To: users@felix.apache.org <users@felix.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: @Component and @AspectService not playing nice
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Thanks for the responses.
> From what I am reading out usage where we have services that are both
> interceptors (aspects) and services (in their own right) that are white
> boarded in is atypical. I could probably work around this by adding service
> properties (or use one of the ones we are already adding to the aspect) to
> get around the need for these to both be aspects and components.
> Get Outlook for iOS<
> https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Faka.ms%2Fo0ukef&amp;data=04%7C01%7CSteve.Runion%40myfuelmaster.com%7C6d55595d4a504b74faab08d93170d9f4%7Cdd4cdb5b3a504947bce6dd41ce3544d6%7C1%7C0%7C637595183055109113%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&amp;sdata=tLgoMcg04W6f6jcTM5GxoOw3uoWPB5ub%2Fm1etBr0AW0%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >
> ________________________________
> From: Pierre De Rop <pierre.de...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 2:16:43 AM
> To: users@felix.apache.org <users@felix.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: @Component and @AspectService not playing nice
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> Hello Steve,
> These annotations are part of the Felix DependencyManager (DM) annotaitons.
> So, the two annotations can't be mixed.  @AspectService are specialized
> DependencyManager components (like @AdapterService,
> or @BundleAdapterService), and can be used to dynamically define an
> interceptor (or a chain of interceptors) between a service consumer and a
> service provider.
> You will define the service consumer and the service provider using
> DM @Components annotations, but you will define the interceptors using
> the @AspectService annotation.
> Example: let's say you have a Database service provider interface.
> Something like:
> public interface Database {
>     String getObject(String key);
> }
> The implementation will be defined using @Component annotation:
> @Component
> public class DatabaseImpl implements Database {
>     public String getObject(String key) { /* implementation */ }
> }
> Then if you want to define an aspect that provides a caching for your
> Database service, you will define it like this with only the
> @AspectService:
> (AspectService are like Components, and can use @ServiceDependency
> annotations, if they need to depend on something).
> @AspectService
> public class DatabaseCache implements Database {
>      // The service we are intercepting (injected by reflection)
>      volatile Database database;
>     public String getObject(String key) {
>         // returns keys from our cache, else return
> database.getObject(key);
>     }
> }
> You can chain multiple aspects that will be ordered using the ranking
> annotation attribute, like @AspectService(ranking=10). Once the Database
> original service is registered, then the DatabaseCache interceptor will be
> instantiated, and registered.
> The above example corresponds to the following that is using the original
> public class Activator extends DependencyActivatorBase {
>      &Override
>      public void init(BundleContext context, DependencyManager dm) throws
> Exception {
>          Component aspectComponent = createAspectComponent()
>              .setAspect(Database.class, null, 10)
>              .setImplementation(DatabaseCache.class):
>          dm.add(aspectComponent);
>      }
> }
> or  if you are using the DM lambda API:
> public class Activator extends DependencyManagerActivator {
>     public void init(BundleContext ctx, DependencyManager dm) throws
> Exception {
>         aspect(Database.class, aspect ->
> aspect.impl(DatabaseCache.class).rank(10));
>     }
> }
> Hope this helps.
> kind regards
> /pierre
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 2:25 AM David Jencks <david.a.jen...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I’m used to the DS OSGI spec @Component annotation but I guess you are
> > using the DM annotations and not DS?
> >
> > David Jencks
> >
> > > On Jun 16, 2021, at 1:57 PM, Steve Runion <
> steve.run...@myfuelmaster.com>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > My company has used activators for quite some time, instead of
> > annotations, due to a perceived inability for the annotations to fit our
> > needs.
> > >
> > > I have cornered the use case that is reported to be the challenge. We
> > have services that are both aspects on services by their interfaces and
> > also implement another (common) interface which are whiteboarded in
> > elsewhere. The plumbing to get that to work would look like…
> > >
> > > @AspectService(ranking = 10, service = AimEncryptionKeyService.class)
> > > @Component(provides = EntitySynchronizer.class)
> > >
> > > … however it seems as if these two annotations are not intended to be
> > used as the same time. Whichever one is first is applied and the second
> is
> > ignored. Is anyone aware of a workaround, or an idiomatic way, to get
> this
> > scenario to work?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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