On 1/19/17, 1:47 PM, "Trevor Holman" <tre...@cqbookstore.com> wrote:

>Will do, are you looking for just visual components at this point? I’m
>not sure I have the skill to actually program all of them to work in
>Flex/ActionScript at this point. ;-)
>I still have Flash Catalyst. Also, another note, Shutterstock.com
><http://shutterstock.com/> has a number if UX/UI designs that can be used
>and customized… I have those resources at my disposal.

IMO, you can use whatever tool you want.  However, I think we want to try
to do this without use of Shutterstock.  In a quick read of their terms,
it isn't clear that it can be used in open source projects because that
essentially re-distributes their stuff to the world.

Thanks for offering to help,

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