Apple recently started enforcing the use of an asset catalog for app icons if 
the app was compiled using iOS 11 SDK. If the icons are not inside an asset 
catalog that's compiled into the binary itself iTC will refuse your build with 
this message:

"Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog 
and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key. For more information see 

I suppose this might be a question for the Flex developer mailing list, but I'm 
assuming AIR 27 is still bundling the iOS 10 SDK? Because if it bundled iOS 11 
SDK my AIR apps would fail to load into iTunes Connect.

We also build native apps and as of the past few weeks, Apple has started 
rejecting apps that don't use app catalogs for app icons. I expect the Flex 
community will run into this same issue if/when AIR SDK starts including iOS 11 

Does anyone know what version of iOS SDK that AIR 27 uses to build the IPA?



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