On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 10:10 PM, baldwin linguas
<baldwinling...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 12:41 AM, Eclipse <eclipse-...@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Catching passive voice and other basic grammar?
> It will catch disagreement between subect and predicate, in most
> cases, although sometimes erroneously,
> as well as adjective and antecedent disagreements, usually.
> I wouldn't expect it to catch passive voice.
> I believe it allows folks to get away with mixing up
> your and you're;
> they're, there, their;
> to, too, two;
> and, it won't stop anyone from committing such atrocities as
> "There's apples in the fridge".
> I would consider that the most basic of grammar.
> It won't correct the use of object pronouns for subjects, or
> vice-versa, which is a common error.
> It seems to know little or nothing of standard punctuation.
> It does not recognize either, run-on sentences, or incomplete ones 
> (fragments).
> It doesn't mind dangling participles.
> The vast majority of errors it will catch are so obvious as to render
> it useless,
> and the less obvious "errors" it catches are often not errors.
> It allows, for instance, the following abomination to go uncorrected:
> "Me and her went to by one horses."
> I find myself frequently correcting its corrections.
> Personally, I'd like to know how to disable it, while retaining
> spellcheck for catching typos,
> but, it seems it's an all-or-nothing affair, sadly.
> http://www.stephenfry.com/2008/11/04/dont-mind-your-language%E2%80%A6/
Thanks you, tony, that seems to sum it up rather nicely.  I think it
will occasionally catch the homonyms you listed, but rarely.

I too would prefer it wasn't there.  One thing that really drove me up
the wall was in an earlier incarnation where I was using an ordinary
noun as a proper noun, and it kept not realizing that a first letter
capital actually meant something different....  (That's been fixed.)

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