On Feb 17, 2011, at 15:55 , Alexander Thurgood wrote:

> Le 17/02/11 14:17, Charles Marcus a écrit :
>> That said, I'm not sure how this works when using the console, as I
>> don't use a Mac on a daily basis, I just help my Mom when she has
>> problems (she's been using them forever)...
>> What we need is someone with a Mac who knows how to do this to chime in...
> 1) Make sure that LibreOffice isn't running anywhere, if necessary
> remove it from the dock.
> 2) In a terminal, type in :
> sudo /Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/unopkg list --bundled
> will give you the list of the bundled extensions.
> 3) sudo /Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/unopkg remove
> <extension>
> where <extension> is the name of the extension as provided in the list
> of extensions at the respective lines which start with e.g. :
> URL: vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS/report-builder
> 4) So, in the above example, to remove the report builder extension, you
> would type :
> sudo /Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/unopkg remove
> report-builder

Thanks, Alexander, but it appears that the french and spanish dictionaries are 
not uno packages.  They're in the extensions folder, not the uno_packages 
folder, and I get the following error message when trying to remove them:

James-Wildes-Mac-mini:~ james$ sudo 
/Applications/Additions/LibreOffice.app/Contents/MacOS/unopkg remove dict-es
ERROR: There is no such extension deployed: dict-es

unopkg failed.

This is the entry for the spanish dictionary:

Identifier: org.openoffice.es.hunspell.dictionaries
  Version: 2008.07.01
  URL: vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS/dict-es
  is registered: yes
  Media-Type: application/vnd.sun.star.package-bundle
  bundled Packages: {
      URL: vnd.sun.star.expand:$BUNDLED_EXTENSIONS/dict-es/dictionaries.xcu
      is registered: yes
      Media-Type: application/vnd.sun.star.configuration-data


I can't use the alternative, dictionaries.xcu since that is also the package 
name for the french, the swedish and the UK english ones.


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