From: Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <h...@osvaldobarrera.com.ar>
To: users@libreoffice.org
Sent: Wed, 20 April, 2011 6:01:12
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Opening a PPS file in not-presentation mode

On 2011-04-19 04:02, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
> Le 19/04/11 08:14, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera a écrit :
> Hi Osvaldo,
>> But why? this makes no sense.  Why does the application run in a
>> different mode, according to file filename?  Isn't there a workaround or
>> something for this?
> The workaround is to rename the extension of your file to *.ppt and make
> it writable if it is currently on a read only mount/share.

A DVD can't be made read-write for renaming, nor read-only shares that contain 
backup.  If it's RO, it's for a reason :-P :-)

>> I believe this bug was not present in OO; at least not the last version
>> I used.  Any ideas on when this will be fixed?
> The automatic slideshow execution of PPS files was a long time request
> for many MSOffice users who switched to OOo and then found that their
> slideshow presentations didn't start up automatically in slideshow mode.
> The PPS extension is just that - a slideshow. The PPT extension is the
> Powerpoint "editable" file. I doubt that this recently integrated
> feature in LibO is going to be withdrawn any time soon.

So LO is actually targeted towards former MS Office, rather that ex-OO users.  
don't think that fair on the OO userbase that never used MS Office.

> Alex

A context menu to "normal view" or "non-presentation view" would be a great 
fix.  Or a ~/config/libreoffice config file where one could disable the 
behaviour would be great to.  It seems unfair that LO is better acomodated to 
former MS-office-users, instead of OO-users.  It's like trying to absorb that 
userbase, without caring for the OO userbase.

I don't want to actually EDIT the file.  I just want that view then in 
non-presetation view because I hate animations that take more time than it 
me to read.

Restricting funcionallity from a software acording to what some author chose 
when distributing is a form of DRM, even if it's really crappy and easily 

 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera

Hi :)
If this were changed then how would slide-shows be shown as slide-shows?  Lets 
say i get called into a meeting and have to display management accounts.  Could 
i be confident in the slide-show starting or would i have to worry that it 
open in design-view?  

Regards from
Tom :)

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