On 05/03/2011 07:09 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 05/02/2011 06:41 AM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
I am warning people.

Did you have a question regarding LibreOffice?
users@libreoffice.org: User support list for LibreOffice users needing
help with a problem.

I think you're looking for:
Please read this before posting there:

I thought to warn people here, since many have had Ubuntu issues related to LibreOffice.

I thought someone should let the people know they might want to avoid upgrading to 11.04 for now. There are enough issues with it, as I have read, that should make the "average" Ubuntu user wait for a bit before going to it.

It seems that there has been some issues between LO and Ubuntu 11.04 reported already.

Actually Ubuntu seems to want you to run 32-bit even though you have a 64-bit system. That is what their web pages seem to say. So since there has been some issues with it and LO, and now my found issue with monitor resolution being unsupported by my monitor even though 10.10 did not have it . . . . .

I thought to give another case for the LO users to avoid 11.04 64-bit for awhile.

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