On 06/24/2011 07:03 PM, lee wrote:
> NoOp <gl...@sbcglobal.net> writes:
>> On 06/22/2011 02:33 AM, Stephan Zietsman wrote:
>> --convert-to output_file_extension[:output_filter_name] [-outdir
>> ouput_dir] files
>>       Batch convert files.
>>       If -outdir is not specified then current working dir is used as
>> output_dir.
>>       Eg. -convert-to pdf *.doc
>>           -convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export -outdir /home/user *.doc
> This doesn't work:
> ,----
> | lee@yun:~/tmp$ libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf test.odt
> `----
> ... pops up a dialogue box saying "/home/lee/tmp/pdf does not exist."
> Please note the --headless option; it's another bug that it pops up a
> dialogue box nonetheless.
> Please note that in the example, it's "-convert-to". So what should it
> be, "--convert-to" or "-convert-to"?

Worked for me. I created a test.odf and then:
$ /opt/libreoffice3.4/program/soffice --convert-to pdf test.odt
and I now have:
$ ls test.pdf

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