
Well...there go my excuses!

Once again, thanks so much for your help. Always, always appreciated!


On 07/01/2011 04:05 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
This guide
has advice but more importantly it has a link to LO's bug reporting area.  Don't
take the advice too seriously.  A lot of the info they ask for can be added to a
report later.  It's more important just to get a bug reported at the right place
and worry about finesses later.

You need to register at the site.  It's just like a forum really except that
it's not for just chatting or saying "me too" (even tho that can help).  You
don't need to learn anything, just register and post a new thread (like starting
an email thread such as this one).

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Tom Cloyd<>
To: LibreOffice User's Help Forum<>
Sent: Fri, 1 July, 2011 10:56:53
Subject: [libreoffice-users] base: tab order bug, and a workaround

OK I still need to learn how to report bugs, etc., and I will. But meanwhile my
desperate rush to get some work done with Base presses my forward.

This apparent bug made me crazy for a while this evening until I found a

The problem: Designing a form, the issue of tab order arises if you use the form
wizard and start moving text fields around, or if you don't use the form wizard.
Tab order may be explicitly addressed in the properties dialog (double clicking
a control is one way to get it), OR in the Tab Order dialog. But changes made
are not evidenced, at all, when switching from edit mode to execution mode.
Nothing I tried worked. I simply got an apparently random tab order, which is a
data entry show stopper!

The solution: After making an tab order change, close out the form designer.
Open the form directly into execution mode. The new tab order will be evidenced.
The problem with this is that if you have more form editing to do, you must
close the form out and return to edit mode, as there is no way to get from an
initial execution of a form into design mode.

As far as I'm concerned this is definitely a bug (any disagreement?). Two bugs,
actually - the second being the inability to get from initial execution of a
form to design mode without first closing out the form.

I'm just glad I found a way to get the tab order I must have to make the form

Tom Cloyd (435) 272-3332

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