On 7/22/2011 8:26 PM, planas wrote:
Sorry about the problem. One idea I have is make copy of the file and
change the extension to txt. My idea is that the formatting data would
then be ignored when you open the copy. If it works you may get some
formatting gibberish included with the text.

-- Jay Lozier
odt files are zip archives. Changing the extension to txt is almost guaranteed to get you nowhere. If you make a copy and change the extension to .zip, and if you succeed in unzipping it, you will find interesting things in there.

The file Content.xml contains your text with xml stuff, but if you work at it you may be able to extract your data. There may be extractor programs that will do this for you.

The downside in all this is that if the odt file is damaged, the zip archiver may not be able to open it.

I wish you all the luck in the world.

David Teague

nil significat nisi oscillat

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