On 08/06/2011 05:37 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
> How is being able to access the encrypted Zip streams in a Hex editor
> going to help Bob?
> All of the extracted files (except the mimetype) are encryptions of
> the original compressed files.  They are shown as extracted because
> the ciphertext is not itself compressed.  The plaintext is.  The
> META-INF/manifest.xml is not encrypted, so it can be read
> decompressed.
> It seems clear that there is nothing wrong with the Zip itself.
> So what bits do you propose to fiddle?
> - Dennis

Please bottom post & please do not cc me as I read the msgs on the list;
I don't really need extra copies :-)

Regarding your question: the files et al in the links regarding OOo also
extract properly - see:
and that attachment. The problem with that (and supposedly the files in
the forum posts) file is in the manifest.xml itselft. It extracts just
fine for me. However the file is corrupt & I was able to repair and use
the password supplied by the author to open the file.

My point is that it is possible that Bob _may_ have the same issue; he
won't know until he checks. I suppose at this point that anything *is*
worth checking/trying...

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