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On 9/10/2011 3:28 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> I've been thinking a lot about this lately as many of my clients are
coming to LibreOffice from Microsoft Office and I deal with both
packages quite a bit. Many times, one of the first things I do once
LibreOffice is set up is to show clients how to save in Microsoft format
as opposed to .odf. It's actually one of the first questions they ask.
Lately, I've been wondering about the wisdom of an open source package
actively supporting a secret format like the Office ones.
> Would it not be preferable to support *only* saving in the open
document format and then providing a plugin for Microsoft Office users
who needed it? IMHO, allowing users to save in secret formats just
continues the problem. They're still using proprietary software, just
packaged a different way.
> Thoughts?
This is the only comment that I will make on this, and I think it's
pretty self-explanatory as to why MS formats need to be supported.
I work as an attorney. One of the frequent requirements from judges is
that we deliver copies of our proposed orders to them in MS Word format.
I am in no position to tell a judge that he is using the "wrong" format
and needs to install a plug-in on his county-owned and -maintained
computer--which he may not even have the authority, let alone the
know-how, to do--so that he can read the files I send him.
If LibO stops supporting MS Office files, I will have no choice and will
be forced to discontinue using LibO. I suspect the same is true of
people who work in a more corporate setting, as opposed to a judicial one.
- -- 
Steven Shelton
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