Hi Tom,

So thanks for this effort to help people with 'related' information.
However, since it's not completely accurate (in any case already for the part that I can know) and it breathes some fiend atmosphere (though I do not feel the need to defend Oracle here of course), maybe it is a good idea if you try to formulate your 'related' information with a bit more care - if you really thin it is needed of course...

Tom Davies wrote (14-10-11 15:35)
Hi :) Part of the reason why TDF broke away from Oracle was Oracle's
refusal to consider patches, trouble-shooting or any other work done
by the community.
[snipped the rest]

There was not a situation of refusal. Just lets say 'limited willingness' at certain moments/issues.



Oh, and pls try to find a way to improve your quoting.
There must be others using the same mail client - anyway I hope so for Yahoo ;-) - that could give you some advise.
Thanks for your careful consideration.

 - Cor
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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