On 01/07/2012 12:32 PM, James wrote:
On 01/07/12 03:48, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2012/1/7 James<bjloc...@lockie.ca>:
I made a simple sheet in calc that just contained 'Tue' and 'Wed'.
Both cells are a date format but I tried to sort them and they won't change 
I don't know about other people on this list, but I certainly need a
some more information about this.
Those two cells, how did you enter their content? Just typing ”Tue”
and ”Wed” into them or typing actual dates and then format them to
only view weekdays?
Exactly how did you sort them?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

I typed 'Tue' and 'Wed' and then formatted them as NN.
I used the Data-Sort menuitem.
Are they strings even though I made them NN format?
If so, shouldn't Calc put ' in front of them?

You do not need to convert tue, wed to NN to sort them in the proper day order.

I did a sort of mon, tue, wed, fri, thu using Sort>>Options checked Custom Sort Order. The correct order was listed in the Custom Sort Order field. Clicked OK and the sort order was corrected to mon, tue, wed, thu, fri

Jay Lozier

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