On Sat, 2012-01-28 at 21:56 +0100, Andreas Säger wrote:
> Base is not a database. Base is a tool to work with variuos types of 
> databases. The type of database connected to your Base document is 
> indicated in the status bar of the database main window. If you are 
> talking about an embedded HSQLDB then all I can tell is, that there is 
> no built-in way to calculate dates other than CURRENT_DATE. "Better" 
> databases have a function DATEADD at least.
> Which type of database are you connected to?

 This might not be the most elegant solution: 

I created a table of dates (01/01/2012 to 12/31/2013) calling it "Date".
Then I wrote a query using  the following SQL:
     SELECT "Date" FROM "Date" WHERE DATEDIFF('dd',:start_date,"Date")
=180 OR DATEDIFF('dd',:start_date,"Date") = 365

:start_date is a parameter. When the query is run, a dialog asks you for
the start date. It then returns the date 180 days later followed by the
date 365 days later.

Does someone know how to create a table using SQL or perhaps even a
macro that would create the date table with enough entries for the
number of years that this database might need?


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