Am 29.02.2012 14:36, e-letter wrote:

Interesting; suggests that base exists just to answer the question by
m$ fans: "where is the equivalent to acce$$?

Right, at a first glance it is nothing but Access mimicry.

Maybe base should be removed from LO entirely and a separate database
product be developed, perhaps able to include some aspects of the
"spreadsheet paradigm" to data manipulation.

The "spreadsheet paradigm" does not work in a database. The purpose is to be compatible with *any* of the commonly used SQL servers while treating tabular files in the context of the database paradigm. For instance, Base reads a spreadsheet so its list content can be used as if it were a structured database. It is not intended to be the other way round. Apart from this, nothing will ever stop people using the calculator to organize their data in crude ways. They do not follow any design concepts and the spreadsheet allows them to dump their stuff any way they want. So be it.

All the connectable external database servers do not provide anything like a "spreadsheet paradigm". The functionality of a database is completely different to spreadsheets. It is analogue to bitmaps and vector graphic. Something like the MS Works database rolls completely on its own proprietary rails. The development of such a component would be expensive and the result would not be as useful as the current database connectivity. Just drop these "easy peasy" database development toys. There is no need to create databases from scratch. Other programs do this perfectly well and the resulting structures can be connected to this office suite. Except for the report generators, the database toys are obsolete. Report generation is a unidirectional process which yields ODF documents. Form design is more like writing a program for an alleged end user. The program needs to read from and write to the underlying database. This is where wizard technology falls way too short unless you invest extreme amounts of development resources. The simple tools that are provided for manual from design are very well suited but unknown and undocumented.

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