Hi :)
Hmm, i think the 3.4.x branch is better at the moment.  The 3.4.3 is ok but the 
3.4.6 is better.  We are still having quite a few people write in to grumble 
about regressions or new problems with the 3.5.x branch.  

For developing it might be better to push people into using the 3.5.x branch so 
that we get more bug-reports that can then be fixed but i think it's better if 
sysadmins do the testing before rolling it out to normal users.  Hopefully 
sysadmins have 1 or 2 people that are willing to test-drive newer releases 
alongside the more stable version they have in case things go wrong.  

I wonder if these guides might help witht he main questions here
In the Writer Guide,  Chapter 10 is about Templates
but it might be Chapter 15 that gives the result.  

Also i was wondering if this question might really be about using LO in 
"headless mode", ie from the command-line or through a script?  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 27/3/12, Cor Nouws <oo...@nouenoff.nl> wrote:

From: Cor Nouws <oo...@nouenoff.nl>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Writer is erasing JOOScripts on 
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Cc: "John Valance" <jvala...@sprynet.com>
Date: Tuesday, 27 March, 2012, 9:14

Hi John,

John Valance wrote (27-03-12 02:37)

> A: We are currently using
> LibreOffice 3.4.3 - OOO340m1 (Build:302). I am trying to get my
> sysadmin to update to a more current version. I will shoot for 3.4.6

3.5.2 is to be released soon. And the 3.5 version line is having quite some 
advantages over the 3.4.
So IMHO best would be to do a test in your specific environment.


--  - Cor
 - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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