Hi :)
Hey Tim i am really sorry if anything i said sounded like a betrayal.  I do 
very much appreciate your works but i also appreciate that some people may be 
oddly picky about things in one direction or another.  As you point out those 
people can try to find alternatives.  I remember saying so to someone in a way 
that you may easily have seen as a betrayal.  From what i have seen on these 
lists your dictionaries solve a lot of problems and are far more accurate than 
any others that people mention.  

I thought your plan was to keep your  specialist dictionaries separate so that 
people could mix&match different ones or just stick to the standard one.  I 
hadn't realised people could have more than one and it made me think it would 
be great to start creating a custom dictionary at my workplace in order to keep 
all the company names (and such) separate from the proper dictionaries.  

I am fairly sure that a few people have asked us why on earth we don't have 
your dictionaries as the default ones to replace the ones that seem to generate 
problems.  So, clearly there are a lot of people out there quietly enjoying 
using your works.
Regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Sat, 23/6/12, webmaster-Kracked_P_P <webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:

From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] "English" dictionary extension
To: "LibreO - Users Global" <users@global.libreoffice.org>
Date: Saturday, 23 June, 2012, 19:53

With all the "issues" about my version of a British word list dictionary, I 
decided to get out of my sick bed and do something that would make the same 
people more angry at me.

If you do not want to use my spelling word dictionaries, you do not need to. 
Use someone else's.  I just thought I could help LO in my own little way.  If 
all people who want to help is made to feel like I have over my work on my 
versions of a spelling extension, then I would wonder why people would want to 
help make LO better. So, for those who do not like my work, do not use it.

NOW - what I did. . . .




I took all three 638K word lists - American, British, and Canadian - and 
compared them.  As far as I could tell, there were less than 100 words that 
were not in at least two out of the three lists.  I could be wrong, but that is 
what I came up with.

Then I added lists of medical and chemical words to the large word list to make 
it a total of 790,673 words.  I planned to add the medical and chemical words 
at a later date, but I did so now instead.  I still have more words to add, but 
I will have to wait to rebuild that list of new words [since I deleted my work 
when I was sick last year and was switching drives for storage of these working 

I will not tell you where I got these words from, but as far as I will tell you 
ALL of the words came from "GNU - General Public License" sources or equivalent.

If you choose to search for word lists you will find the ones I have found and 
merged to create the "master" word lists I use for the creation three versions 
of the English Language spelling dictionaries.  Everything I did can be done by 
anyone who would want to do so.


AS for spellings that are not matching everyone's preferred spelling, that is 
easy . . . .

Languages Evolve and even in the same country people can spell a word 
differently and still be correct.

If you go to


and look, you will find Spanish dictionaries for various regions.  You want to 
argue with them that they are not spelling their words correctly?  No, the 
spellings of words evolve and can be used in each variation.  Do I tell people 
that "colour" or "menue" are not the correct spellings of these words, since 
they are not the spellings I use?  They should be "color" and "menu" according 
to my email client, BUT both ways are spelled correctly if you look at resource 
that does not say this is the preferred spelling so any other correct spellings 
are not to be used anymore.  The people in my building who saw "menue" spelled 
this way could not tell me that is was not correct, when it is not the "most 
preferred" spelling method.

Look at the French.  As far as I was told, they have revised their spellings of 
some words and now teach this new spelling method in their schools.  But, the 
old ways are still going to be out there in books and other printed documents.  
Look at what Oxford English is vs. British English.  "They" are changing the 
way you spell many common words [my opinion for common words and spelling] but 
if the public do not want to use the newest version of the words, then who will 
force them?  If the public think it is not a good idea to use the newest ways 
to spell the words, then is the public wrong or the people who thought up the 
new ways of spelling of the words?  Look into the past of the "English" 
language.  It has not been around for 2000 years, 1000 years, or even 500.  The 
"English" language grew out of communities coming in contact with each other 
and sharing their words.  These groups of larger communities share with others 
and slowly a new
 language grows out of the older ones.  ALSO smaller communities form and over 
time the words they use, and their spelling of those words, will change.  As 
far as my English professors understands, this will always happen.  Language 

How many "English" words actually came from words in the French and German 
regions of Europe?   Language shares words and the use can become part of their 
"communal" language.

You can tell me I am wrong, and I can say that you are.  We are both neither 
right or wrong.  The lady who was born and raised 200 miles south of me who 
spells "menue/menu" her way is not wrong, but she grew up in a different 
sub-community in the USA than I did.  There were more of one ethnic group that 
moved into her region of the country than did in mine.  My father was raised on 
a different region than my mother.  We all were taught how to speak in areas of 
different ethnic diversity.  Our words we used were different for some common 
things, AND so was some of the ways that those words were spelled.  The 
language evolved in these communities and as each community member moved to 
other communities, the words [and spelling] spread to other communities, 
through their use and their children's use.


NO one sub-group can force another to use the new ways.  If they are not used 
by enough people, then those new ways are given up.

The same goes with spelling of the words you use.  Over the past 200 many ways 
of spelling words have changed and were used by enough people that those ways 
became preferred over the older ways, but those older ways are rarely, if ever, 
removed from the written language.  They are just not used as much as they once 

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