and Henry Ford was building indestructible cars fueled with clean,
efficient energy - all from a simple to grow plant;
           then the federal gov't stepped in at the behest of Rockefeller's
oil industry and those factories were shut down.

       Supposedly the Dutch are now growing this plant; will others follow
- that's the $64,000 question  ;-)

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Andreas Säger <> wrote:

Am 11.10.2012 19:59, Tom Davies wrote:
> > Hi :)
> > And all the offices will close and money will cease to be important and
> there will be peace and happiness everywhere like Star Trek.
> > Regards from
> > Tom :)
> >
> However, Kyla R. asked how to fuel up her new e-car and the answer is
> that you must not fill any fuel into it even if the car looks very
> similar like the old one.

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