Hi :)
Ahhh, tabbed auto-complete is really helpful.  

On a unix-based command-line, so that's any Gnu&Linux just start typing a 
command or pathname or file-name and after about 2 or 3 characters press the 
tab key.  It then lists all the relevant things that start with those 2 or 3 
characters and copies everything you have typed so far onto a new line so that 
you can ignore all the suggestions and carry on typing if you want.  If there 
is only 1 suggestion then it just fills in all the rest for you.  Errr, i dunno 
how to select say the 5th option except by using the mouse to copy&paste.  The 
keyboard short-cut for paste doesn't work but mouse paste is always good :)  

Regards from
Tom :)  

> From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <webmas...@krackedpress.com>
>To: users@global.libreoffice.org 
>Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2012, 14:13
>Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Ubuntu Libreoffice
>here is my "simple" way to help with the typing errors I sometime get.  My 
>fingers seem to love to press the wrong letters.
>copy the compressed download file to you home folder, using you file 
>manager/browser.  Nautilus, Dolphin, or whatever you default "file browser" is.
>This is the file I use for 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04. 
>Next you right-click on it in you file manager to uncompress it. Use the 
>default "Archive Manager", or Ark, or whatever is your default archiver 
>That will create the folder with the long name,  At this point I do something 
>a little different to ease my typing skills.  I right-click on the folder and 
>rename it to "LibO" to ease my typing its long name in the Terminal.  That way 
>you do not have such a long set of characters to type in for the folder's name 
>in the Terminal.
>In Terminal or "Konsole", etc.,  I type:
>cd LibO
>cd DEBS
>sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>cd desktop-integration
>sudo dpkg -i *.deb
>Then do the same steps for the help and language packs, as needed, except for 
>the "cd desktop-integration" part.
>You do not need to rename the folders, but I do that to stop errors in my 
>typing of the "long" name of the folder.  I know there are some other ways of 
>doing this, but for me it is the simplest way for installing LO on Ubuntu.
>The only hard part is removing LO 3.5.7 before I install LO 3.6.4.  I keep 
>forgetting the Terminal commands and need to use the Synaptic Package Manager 
>to find and remove the LO packages.
>Of course, I then make sure I reinstall all of the extensions I want, just to 
>make sure they are there for me.
>On 12/05/2012 08:25 PM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
>> Hey guys
>> I'm back after what seems like ages! anyway encountered a problem which
>> is probably due to inexperience but anyhow.
>> I was wondering if there was a simple way to compile a Tar ball version
>> of LO on ubuntu? I've searched all documentation but its doing my head
>> in!
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Anthony Easthope
>> antiso...@myopera.com
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