On 10/12/2012 at 23:28, "VA" <cuyfa...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I see both sides, but I’d like to point out one thing I have noticed in my 
> own use of the two programs. Some computer programs are what I would call 
> “load and use.” Programs like web browsers and mail clients, etc., require 
> little to no configuration or customization. One can simply do productive 
> use without much thought. I can easily bounce back and forth between 
> Internet Explorer and Firefox, Live Mail and Thunderbird.

Not really.

In my mail client I have only four accounts, one of which is for mailing 
lists. So I have these four account and around 20 filters to put incoming mails 
into different folders. Not much, and yet migrating to any other mail client 
would require substantial amount of work. I wonder how people subscribed to 
few dozens of mailing lists handle that...

In my web browser I have customized context menus, bunch of keyboard shortcuts 
that I like, some user CSS and plenty of UserJS snippets, not to mention 
bookmarks and RSS feeds (with one custom script that uses this certain RSS 
feeds list format as input). I am afraid that migrating to any other web 
browser would require me to take few days off.

I think that your conclusion that customization (which is prerequisite for 
really efficient work) is commitment that kind of tight you with certain 
application is generally true. It is true for my desktop environment, my text 
editor, my web browser, mail client and office suite. Changing any of these 
would require a lot of work or serious loss of work efficiency.

As side note: this is user-support LO mailing list. Most of us are not 
developers. Perhaps some of us use both LO and AOO and try to help users of 
both these suites. These people are part of both communities, so there is no 
point in talking of "joining forces". Perhaps you would like to rise this 
issue on developers mailing list.
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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