At 14:07 27/01/2013 -0500, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
I was working on understanding Character Styles in Writer, and it seems mostly straightforward. But I noticed that the Drop Caps style does not seem to do anything at all. Is that a bug or am I misunderstanding something here?

I'm guessing here, but I think I can see its usefulness. You set drop caps as a property of your paragraph or paragraph style, of course. You may not wish the dropped cap to have the same character style as the rest of the paragraph text. So the Drop Caps tab of the Paragraph or Paragraph Style dialogue gives you the opportunity to select a separate character style to be applied to the dropped caps themselves. I'm guessing that the Drop Caps character style is provided as a convenient style to use for this purpose: you can select it in the paragraph or paragraph style properties and then set the character properties that you want in the Drop Caps character style.

You could alternatively create your own character style(s), of course. But that's true of all the predefined styles.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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