At 21:36 10/02/2013 +0800, Conly Honly Donly wrote:
I think I have found a bug.

I'm not so sure.

This potential bug may affect printing, e.g. producing blank pages because the page count does not look correct.

In double-sided printing, odd-numbered pages need to be rectos, or right-hand pages, and even ones versos, or left-hand pages. Your second page is numbered "1", so LibreOffice expects to print it on the front of a second leaf, not on the reverse of the first leaf. So you have three pages: the first page, the blank reverse, and your second page, numbered "1". Go to File | Page Preview to see the extra page.

If you want to print single-sided, go to Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Print | Other, and remove the tick from "Print automatically inserted blank pages". Then you won't get a blank sheet. You can make the same selection on the fly through the Options... button in the Print dialogue.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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