At 08:39 11/02/2013 +0800, Conly Honly Donly wrote:
2013/02/10 10:42 PM, Brian Barker:
At 21:36 10/02/2013 +0800, Conly Honly Donly wrote:
I think I have found a bug.

I'm not so sure.

This potential bug may affect printing, e.g. producing blank pages because the page count does not look correct.

In double-sided printing, odd-numbered pages need to be rectos, or right-hand pages, and even ones versos, or left-hand pages. Your second page is numbered "1", so LibreOffice expects to print it on the front of a second leaf, not on the reverse of the first leaf. So you have three pages: the first page, the blank reverse, and your second page, numbered "1". Go to File | Page Preview to see the extra page.

If you want to print single-sided, go to Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Print | Other, and remove the tick from "Print automatically inserted blank pages". Then you won't get a blank sheet. You can make the same selection on the fly through the Options... button in the Print dialogue.

I have tried: (both checking and unchecking)

Tools | Options... | LibreOffice Writer | Print | Other | "Print automatically inserted blank pages"

The page count still appears as 3/3. It seems that this option is not relevant, I am afraid.

Sorry, but you misunderstand me. What I am saying is that everything you see is by design, and will not be seen as a bug: Writer still sees three pages, even if you choose to print only two of these.

Consider File -> Export as PDF. In both cases, only two pages are visible in each PDF file.

That's because the same option is controlled separately for exporting to PDF. The PDF Options dialogue, which you see when you use File | Export as PDF..., has, at the foot of the General tab, a separate "Export automatically inserted blank pages" tick box. Yours must currently be unticked. Writer thinks that if you print that exported PDF document double-sided, you will need that extra page - to ensure that your second significant page prints on the front of the second sheet, not on the reverse of the first.

I suppose that there is no simple answer to this which takes account of both single- and double-sided printing in an intuitive fashion. But there's no bug, I think.

Brian Barker

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