On Thu, 14 Feb 2013, IBBoard wrote:

Yes, you can encrypt it first, but a) that is an extra step and b) it only
gives you a semi-useful backup, not a fully versioned document store.

If you want encrypted backups then I'd suggest SpiderOak instead - they
encrypt it with a key they don't know, so they *can't* read it. Still, for
Corporate environments, that isn't as useful as a central managed store
that they can just backup once.

you're right.

and thanks for the tip about SpiderOak!

this thread is off-topic but I'll take advantage of it before it's cut: I would like a solution where

a) individuals could upload documents to me
b) they wouldn't be able to see each other's documents (unless I allowed it)
c) should be either linux-based or agnostic.

anyone with a tip?


Felmon Davis

I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

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