On 2013-03-26 12:32, Krunoslav Šebetić wrote:
On 03/25/2013 11:55 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 2013-03-26 11:30, Krunoslav Šebetić wrote:
On 03/25/2013 11:08 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:16 25/03/2013 +0100, Krunoslav Šebetić wrote:
I need to make a Calc table. Table is "structured" vertically. Tables sums number values from columns in the last row of table. Every column stands for itself, and has nothing to do with other columns. But values are entered in column by different variables. I have set different cell background color for every variable. Is there a way to tell Calc to sum, divide or multiply values by the cell style color?

Not that I know of. But there is an easier way. I'm guessing that you have set the background colours manually. Instead of doing that, why not create another column to indicate the condition (I'm not sure what you mean by "entered ... by different variables")? You can then use the values in the new column to control the SUMIF() to form your selective sums. But you can also use the values in the new column in "conditional formatting" to set the background colours of the cells in the first place. This is a much more reliable technique.

Lets say I am collecting wether temperature (but Im not) values and Im doing it five time a day.
Does this mean that you add 5 new lines each day. Do you add the date/time and the temperature 5 times a day. Do you ad 1 line each day with 5 temperatures in each line that are added during the day. Are the times consistent real times or do you just call them time1 ...time5. (breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner)

I have hard time explaining such complicated thing in english and seems the wehter thing is a bad exemple. Tom uploaded file I sent him (http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/file/n4046112/example.ods). All enteries are changeble - I enter one line (cell in collumn) per day. But if the value is higher then the year average and smaller then month average I put it green, if the value is lower then the year average and higher the month average I put in red, if the value is equal to year average and month average I put it blue. Now, if cell is colord red, I devide it by 2. If the cell is blue i multiply that value (in blue) with 1.5, and if green I do plus operation (x(blue) + y). There is no sorting in table, green cells are not on top, and blue ones are not at the bottom. If cell is (from exemple) colord green it still can be higher or lower then one in blue, so sumif _can_ do it wrang way.

The problem is that in my case there is now juist "year" and "month" plus permutations with "lower" and "higher", its match more complex than that. Coloring the cell background and posibillity do manipulating data based on that would make job lot more easyer.

Lets say that every time (of five) I need to know is that (enterd) value above or bellow the average for this time a day, month and year.
So is the idea of the background colour is to show if that (enterd) value above or bellow the average for this time a day, month and year. This is 1 condition or 3 conditions

If below from average of this time a the day, month and year - color x. If above from average of this time a the day, month and year - color y. If below of this time a day but higher of average of month and higher of average of the year - color z. If below of this time a day but higher of average of month and _this time_ lower than the average of the year - color a....

Hope this helps.

(above the average for this time of day AND above the average for this time of month AND above the average for this time of year)=Y (below the average for this time of day AND below the average for this time of month AND below the average for this time of year)=N

(above the average for this time of day)Y/N
(above the average for this time of month )Y/N
(above the average for this time of year)Y/N

In that case I would have three type of (I call them) values which can not be predicted and thus i doubt I can set a secend - or the secend one would be bigger and far more complex that the primary one.

Now, imagine you need sum only the values (temperature) that is above average for this time of the year and belove average of that month.
Is that summing from the 5 values for that day or summing all the history

Its summing values colored with color x in cell A1, summing values colored with color y in cell A2 ... and finaly summing all together in B1 (color x + color y + color z...)

What is above the average of the year is not nessery below the average of the month and vice verse. So I must say that I am now shure if sumif can handle that. I do not need sum numbers higher or lower from x, I need sum number collected from the real world and those are quite rondom.

If you wish, the extra columns can be hidden or displaced to another part of the sheet or even to another sheet, so they do not need to be immediately visible or to print along with the values you do need to see. It may not even be necessary to create new columns, if the conditions they need to contain could be derived directly from whatever is their source.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

It helps, thank you. This sure is the way to go but it can get quite complicated with time.

From the example on nabble I can see what you are doing but not how it relates to your example above. There are 3 columns and not 5, is this 3 times a day. There is no date or time, is it to be assumed that all data in column A is at the same time and each line is a new day.


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