At 13:45 13/05/2013 -0700, J Taylor wrote:
Using Mac version LO
How can I get Untitled 1 in Writer back to its Default setting? I cannot find the file to delete it.

That's because there is no such file, of course. In any case, if you deleted it, you would hardly be changing it: you'd be losing it! Much better to solve your problem through the product's interface - wherever possible.

"Untitled 1" is merely the (temporary) name given to a new document before it is saved - from whatever template. If you are somehow dissatisfied with such a document, you are presumably unhappy with the template from which it is created. If you are knowingly creating it from a specific template, the solution is: don't! If you are not, then you must have set some alternative or modified template as your default. To reset the default template to the original default, simply go to File | Templates > | Organize... | Commands | Reset Default Template | Text Document.

There is no need to wreck your other settings and customisations.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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