Yes, there are those companies that help with the FOSS packages like LibreOffice. Their help is very important to projects like LibreOffice.

I think having in-house versions are not good for many reasons, but the two are: 1] they are judged negatively by it for the issues brought up, even if they did not create the coding that was the trigger for the issue, 2] the good marketing potential to be a part of the open source movement by supporting and contributing to an open-source project.

The Raspberry Pi systems were developed for the educational market as a really low costing system for the school budgets. The only office suite package ported to their version of Linux is LibreOffice. Yes, RPi was designed to a cheap costing Linux-based computer to control other electronics, making things like media servers, robotics, and to control any number of other electronics from an adapter/daughter board. Yes, I have stated about the "mini super computer" running Linux [about $2000 USD for all the hardware and such]. Another cheap "paperback book size" system has done that as well. If the students had a bad day and fried the RPi, it was much cheaper to replace it than a more traditional computer system. It was designed for the low "replacement costs" if a bad day happened.

But the thing is that RPi was developed for the educational market and every one that is being used for that market, hardware or software experimentation, will be exposed in some degree to LibreOffice. Either that it has been ported/compiled to be hardware optimized or actually using it on a RPi.

For Macs, yes I should have gone back the one more step to its Unix roots.

The key is that if you have a non-traditional Unix, Linux, or other OS and want to compile it to your specific hardware and OS combination, it is possible. You do not need to stick with Windows, Mac OSX, or the standard .deb or .rpm Linux installs. Just having a package that will work on Windows, Mac and "standard" Gnu&Linux based systems. It is also nice, except for Windows, you have a choice of CPU optimized versions for your system. DEB/RPM - 32-bit or 64-bit. Mac OSX - PPC or Intel/x86. Of course there is a Windows based portable version instead of the "default" Windows one, but it has its pros/cons over the standard/default installed Windows version.

The cross-platform option is one of the better concepts for marketing, besides the MSO file format compatibility. You will not need to learn a different office package whether you are using Windows, Mac OSX or most Gnu&Linux systems out in the market today. Also the support for an extremely large population base through the different language packs is a very good thing for non-English or multi-language users. I had a lady from Israel tell me that, since she has to type documents up in English, French, Hebrew, and Arabic one in a while. She told me that MSO did not support Hebrew and the other languages in a single install and could not get multiple language support for MSO on one system.

LO, supported and contributed by volunteers and tech companies alike.
LO, supports most computer OSs in the home and business markets - Windows, Mac, Linux. LO, supports 100+ languages through its language packs, help packs, and some add-on extensions.

I doubt that MSO would ever get as far with all three of these "lines" like LO does. LO "can" support more systems out in the market, but we need to convince more of the home, school, business, and governmental, markets and make our market share rise world wide.

On 06/01/2013 01:03 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Not all our devs are volunteers.  Some are paid by various companies, notably SUSE but 
also Redhat and others to work on LibreOffice.  Such companies might normally attempt to 
create their own "in house" product but instead choose to collaborate on 
creating something shared.

Macs are based on Bsd, which in turn is unix-based.  Gnu&Linux are also unix-based. 
 So Bsd and Gnu&Linux share the same parent but do have differences.

Apparently a lot of Raspberry Pis are used to play around with hardware 
experimentation such as control's for various types of robots.  One chap put 
quite a few together to create a super-server.  So significant numbers are not 
being used as desktop machines at all.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>
Sent: Saturday, 1 June 2013, 12:24
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: no answers to my question

We try our best to help as much as we can, but sometimes those of us who
are reading these lists do not have an answer.

Yes, we "talk" about other issues than LibreOffice on some of these
lists, but it should not be the main reasons to "come and read them".

For the past few weeks, the questions I see are not something I could
help with.  At least I was not sure of an answer and let others put in
"their two cents worth".

Yes, having cross-platform packages really are nice.  I run Ubuntu Linux
most of the time, but I do need to use Windows once in a while due some
non-cross-platform packages.  So, when I am using Windows on a laptop
[not my main desktop since it is Ubuntu only] then I do not need to have
a different package for my "office suite needs".  That is really one of
the best features of using LibreOffice - the cross-platform usability.

Yes, LibreOffice is not like many packages, since it is was designed to
be used on many different platforms, and not just the ones listed.  Our
developers are working hard to make LibreOffice work on as many
platforms as they can.  They are working on making tablet versions,
other than Windows OS tablet-like, touch screen, laptop devices.  An
Android version is being worked on, but due to the limits of program
space and other limitations, that LibreOffice will not be as fully
functional as the Windows, Mac OS X, and various other Linux-based
systems.  Also, there are tools to help make our office suite work
"better" with certain platforms.  I use a 4 core Ubuntu desktop.  It was
a "better than middle of the road" system when I bought it.  Right now,
there is a emerging market for LibreOffice using the Raspberry Pi system
that has some different Linux OS options.  That system's developers seem
to have ported LibreOffice to work the best they can to their system.
The figures I have heard from a "web cast" is they have reached the
million unit mark.  Sure, not all of these usints will be running
LibreOffice, but are being used for so many other options than a
traditional computer, but the whole idea was that LibreOffice currently
the only office suite that was ported to Raspberry Pi.  People are able
to get LibreOffice to work on many more systems than is listed on our
download site.

The re-training aspect is the one key aspect for moving from MSO to
LibreOffice.  For that, many people I have talked to do not want to
switch.  They will keep on using other packages they are "use to using"
instead of taking the short amount of time to see how easy LibreOffice
is in "getting use to".  I switched to Linux as my main system in 2009,
before LO came in to being, so I had only one choice,
Since LibreOffice is the best fork of that older package, I was able to
easily switch.  Yes, I am guilty of the "suing the same package that I
am use to using" issue/excuse.  I have a preferred "paid for" graphics
package that has not ported to any other system.  It is a Win-only
package. Yes, I am learning GIMP for my Linux-based systems, but after
using a package for over 10 to 15 years, it is "hard to switch" and
re-trin myself to be able to use a different package as well as the one
I prefer to use.

I stopped getting MSO at the 2003 mark.  One reason was the fact that
MSO "changed everything" to my view back them when MSO '07 came out.  I
kept using it till I had a real big push to start using a different
package.  Now, I "struggle" with someone else's system when they only
have MSO '07 'or '10 installed.  I am now use to using LibreOffice now.

As for the "multi-workplace" option[s] in a Linux based system [yes OS X
is sort of Linux based], I do not really use them.  I do know of others
who really need to use them.  I know of a few Windows user who would
love to be able to have that option.

So to answer the "question" of "no answers to my question", like I
stated before, sometimes we do not have a solution to the issue and we
just do not reply to the question and say that.  That seems to be a fact
of life, in the technology world.  YET, sometimes we might have enough
idea[s] to try to work with the user and figure out were the problem
comes from and solve it in the trial-and-error method.  Sometimes that
is the only way.

I had an issue with duplex printing on Ubuntu with some printers. The
solution was not obvious to see.  The check box solution was not even a
part of the Window's version of Tools > Option > LibreOffice > General
dialog box.  I needed to check the "Use LibreOffice dialogs" in the
"Print dialogs" section.  That was not an option available with the
Windows version.  Why did that simple check box option make the issue[s]
go away on the printers that would not duplex directly from
LibreOffice's printing system, no one knows.  It is just something that
corrected the problem using the "lets see what that does"
trial-and-error method of figuring out a solution.  That was many month
ago for me, so the underlying issue[s] may have been "fixed" in the
newest version of our great package.  I just have checked that out,
since that printer is at its "end of life" and is kept around just for
its stand-alone FAX option.

So, in my "long winded" "talk" here, I hope that people will try
LibreOffice and help others with "working around" any issues that might
come up untill our fine developers - volunteers - have fixed the issues.

On 06/01/2013 04:12 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :
I do like the way this list helps people with various different issues on 
different OSes.  Even with problems that are not directly related to 

LibreOffice is cross-platform and using it is a good step in the process of migrating 
from 1 platform to another.  That way you have familiar tools on the new platform and 
some idea of how to keep working without needing so much "time out" for 

Many thanks to Jomali
Regards from
Tom :)

From: jomali <>
To: Tom Davies <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 24 May 2013, 21:51
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: no answers to my question

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:43 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
Just in case anyone thought i was sounding unusually knowledgeable (and
about Macs!) all my stuff was in the snipped out bit.  It was all Alex and
Ken there.

I have just had a few days (1hour/day) on a Macbook but it's the first
time i have used Mac in about a decade.  Wow though!  It was really nice
and smooth!  It had some features that i really like Gnu&Linux for, such as
multiple workspaces/virtual screens.
Click on Mission Control, move cursor to the right of the top of the
screen, click the "+" sign. Voila - new virtual screen/workspace.

Some things were a bit upside down.  When you want to move a page up the
screen to go on to the next page the gesture is to slide your fingers up.
Hmmm, now i write that it seems more logical than the Windows way!  I'm not
likely to buy one but it's really nice to use.
Regards from
Tom :)

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