Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Not all our devs are volunteers. Some are paid by various companies, notably SUSE but also Redhat and others to work on LibreOffice. Such companies might normally attempt to create their own "in house" product but instead choose to collaborate on creating something shared. Macs are based on Bsd, which in turn is unix-based. Gnu&Linux are also unix-based. So Bsd and Gnu&Linux share the same parent but do have differences.
Just to keep the record straight, on Linux day #1, Linus Torvalds based his Linux on Minix , which in turn was based on Unix. I do believe the Minix disk filesystem is still included with today's Linux. Yes, I just checked and it is (man mkfs.minix). Then GNU had a bunch of *nix utilities, such as ls, tar, gcc, etc. which Linus merged into Linux. Linux grew from that grafting ever since. That is why Linux is referred to as GNU/Linux. To be accurate, the term Linux only refers to the kernel operating system, not the GNU tools. GNU/Linux is not Unix, but it is very close and the philosophy is very similar. BSD and GNU/Linux are two branches of the same Unix tree. Although a bit dated (the Linux kernel is now up to 3.x), here is a nice chart I just found:

Clearing the air...
Girvin Herr

Apparently a lot of Raspberry Pis are used to play around with hardware experimentation such as control's for various types of robots. One chap put quite a few together to create a super-server. So significant numbers are not being used as desktop machines at all. Regards from Tom :)

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