On Wed, 5 Feb 2014, Robert Holtzman wrote:

On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 01:37:52PM +0000, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Such attitude is dying out.

Modern devices almost entirely force people into top-posting and
almost all people new to mailing-lists will have no idea about the
possibility of doing anything other than top-posting.  Some allow
users to reconfigure their devices to bottom-post but it's beyond most

That doesn't mean they can't/shouldn't learn.

I wholly concur that top-posting is a scourge and especially if the post is not trimmed; sometimes I just skip posts since I cannot figure out what in the long tail of to and fro the poster is referring and replying to, esp top-posted one-liners that make no sense. it's just not worth it.

and Tom's post here is irrelevant to the issue why one _should_ bottom-post, trim and put comments in-line but he provides valuable understanding of the forces against the practice.

I don't see that we all will come to agreement so that cannot be the point of these discussions. I think we could give them some point if the one side would provide a succinct summary of what it considers good reasons for top-, and the other side provides good reasons for bottom-posting.

at least that would or can shed light on the issues and lessen the heat. maybe.

people will make their own judgments, some will change their practices, most won't of course but we'll (or may) get beyond tossing salad or shotputs or whatever.

we could write a page somewhere and give a link to it whenever the topic a-flames again.

(I'm stopping here; maybe this is middle-posting?)


Bottom posting requires a ton of extra work such as trimming and such
which office workers really do not have time for.  it might have been
a better system but we let MS dictate how we do emailing and now we
have to live with that or accept increasing unpopularity.

I really hope you don't mean that trimming is a waste of time. Ever see
a reply to a digest message that quoted the whole digest. What fun.

Hopefully this mailing list helps people learn that bottom posting is
widely used in Open Source projects and helps them become more
familiar with doing so.  Other successful gateway projects also use
top-posting a lot, for example Firefox, Ubuntu and others.  Ones that
remain unpopular or have a hard time attracting new people (such as
Evolution) insist on bottom posting and sees almost all enquirers
leave rather than become involved.  It is sad but we kinda have to
live with the way things are rather than the way we might prefer them
to be.

That outlook would mean that we (US) would still be under British rule.

Tell it to any country that has overthrown an autocratic ruler.


There is a special spot in hell for people who overquote *including
multiple sigs and footers*.

Felmon Davis

It were not best that we should all think alike; it is difference of opinion
that makes horse-races.
                -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

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