I'm not Jim, but probably know far more than he does about Thunderbird.

On 3/3/2014 3:14 PM, yahoo-pier_andreit <pier_andr...@yahoo.it> wrote:
dear jim, I'm using thunderbird, and I have the same problem, if I press
ctrl>R the reply is to the sender non to the list, and I would like to
reply to the list not to the sender, so I have to use reply to list, It
seems you are very skilled about, how can I set thunderbird to reply to
the list when I press>R???

You can't - that is the whole point about keyboard shortcuts - they specifically invoke a specific command.

Computers cannot (yet) read minds.

What you can do is tell the computer what you want to do - in this case, to use the keyboard shortcut to Reply List, do:


Or, you could use the 'Smart Reply' button, which automatically switches to 'Reply List' for messages that List Headers.

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