My apologies to Kracked, as I didn't pay attention and sent this note directly when I intended to send it to the list.

On 3/25/2014 9:33 AM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

As a person who learned to type on a typewriter and learned
programming on a mainframe computer [since the PC did not exist at
that time], I have not learned how to do "styles".  Never really
needed it, as far as I was concerned.   Yes, yes, I should learn it,
but time to learn and play with styles is not an option for me currently.

The key is, if people can do what they need, they way they currently
do it, then why try to force them to learn how to do it another way -
i.e. styles.

Within the provenance of this discussion, you are right that it is not the job of the software writers/programmers to force anyone to learn a way other than the one they are using. However, it is also not the job of the software writers/programmers to build into any particular software every method of doing things.

That philosophy leads to bloat, and bloat is bad, in my opinion. It also leads to stealing time from the task of adding new features and improving existing features. The writers/programmers have a finite amount of time. If the feature request mentioned earlier in this thread is accepted, then time will be spent on it. That means that time will not be spent on other things. And that, in my opinion, is waste.


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