At 13:14 19/04/2014 -0700, Nobody Noname wrote:
I have a column of dates in Calc that look like this:

This is a day, month, year format.

You say they "look like" this, which is not entirely helpful! Are these genuine dates, i.e. numbers formatted as DD.MM.YYYY or are they text values? The answers are very different.

Normally I could conditionally format the column to say detect all the days in the column that fall on the 4th day of the month, and turn the background of all their cells to say, blue.

o In the Conditional Formatting dialogue, select "Formula is".
o For date values, use DAY(Xn)=4 ; for text values, use VALUE(LEFT(Xn;2))=4 .

Any way to reformat the Date column into some Date format that would allow conditional formatting as just described?

If they are date values, you can reformat them by changing the cell format.

If they are text values, you will have to handle them as such. If you want to change them, you can rearrange the parts into new text values - perhaps using the LEFT(), MID(), and RIGHT() functions. Or you might choose to convert them to genuine date values - perhaps using the VALUE() function in addition. Another possibility is first to use Data | Text to Columns... to separate the three parts of the date and then the DATE() function to recombine them appropriately. (You'll even need VALUE() this way, I think.)

Another idea is to consider where these values come from: it may be easier to import them in a more useful format originally.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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