Marc Grober wrote:
Intriguing idea,  but it would still require the use of anchored linked
frames, and if I am going to use anchored linked frames, I don;t need Calc.

I think the idea with Calc would be to start with the text for one language in cell A1, and the text for the other language in cell B1. Where you want to break the text and re-synchronise the translations, just move on to using cells A2 and B2, etc.

Set the cells to automatically wrap (Format > Cells > Alignment > Wrap text automatically).

You should be able to set the column widths so that you either get both columns side by side on the same page (this effect would be similar to using a two-column table with appropriate text flow settings, so may not be suitable given your comments on that option below).

Alternatively, you could set each column to be the whole width of a page and then set the print ordering so that they print alternately (Format > Page > Sheet > Page order: Left to right, then down. If printing double sided you'd probably need to get a blank page inserted first, otherwise the two languages for each bit of text would end up on opposite sides of the same page rather than facing pages; not sure off the top of my head how to go about that... One option may be to use something like PDF Creator (a virtual printer which creates PDFs of the "printed" content) to combine a blank page followed by the document "printout" into a single PDF file, then print that file.

I still am thinking that there should be some way to do this from a
master document,  so that subdocuments can interleave by way of how the
subdocument is styled.

I'm not sure that master documents can do that. They're more for combining several documents one after another (e.g. if you have each chapter of a book in a separate chapter).

The other option seems to be to treat the two facing pages as one two
column page,  but that creates so much trouble when it comes to dealing
with everything else it becomes a case of the tail wagging the dog.

On 10/15/14 7:23 AM, Joe Conner wrote:
Have you considered using Calc for this, you can adjust the formatting
to have text roll into a new line automatically.  Then you can
copy/paste into a word document if you find it necessary.

Blessings, Joe Conner: Poulsbo, WA USA

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