Hi to all,

the most simple approach to distinguish the different behavior is to use an error handler.

In the latest version of my translation of Andrew Pitonyak's OOME I give an example (see pp. 605-609). Andrew has changed his example to just handle LO alone.

Have a look at https://www.uni-due.de/~abi070/ooo.html


Am 20.10.2014 um 18:59 schrieb Regina Henschel:
Hi Fernand,

Fernand Vanrie schrieb:
Johnny, Regina ,

under "tools" we have a function GetProductName()
who returns for me "LibreOffice4.2"

hope it helps

Thanks for the hint to the application libraries. It works in Apache
OpenOffice too.

Kind regards


Hi Johnny,

You might distinguish it with Basic function IsUnoStruct?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg schrieb:
Here's my problem:

I have both Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice installed and I use them
both. I have quite a few Calc files with Basic macros. Today I found my
first difference between the Basic API in LibreOffice vs. Apache

Dim Dlg As Object, Ctl As Object

Now, I want to use Ctl.setDate(myDate) and myDate=Ctl.getDate(), and
the difference:
In Apache OpenOffice, myDate is a Long. Today's date, 2014-10-19, is
represented as 20141019. I made two functions to convert to and from
format I needed.

When running my macro in LibreOffice, the macro was interrupted by an
message, of course. After some debugging I found that the LibreOffice
version of Ctl.setDate/Ctl.getDate works with a struct:
Type DateType
Year As Long
Month As Long
Day As Long
End Type

This is of course not a big deal, I can make the macro accept both
but the macro need to know if LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice is
it. How can I do that? I have tried to find the answer myself, both
xray and searching the web, but so far nothing.

Volker Lenhardt

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