Thank you for posting that. The discussion is very interesting and clearly explains why the scrollbar was moved. No rational was given for changing the shape of the tabs however.

Comment 29 by Tomaz Vajngerl: I have also made some visual changes to the tabs (rectangular, more plain look)...

That change has no purpose, why was it made? To put another nail in the coffin of skeuomorphic design? (Rhetorical, don't waste your time trying to answer.) Visual cues are important and I think the rectangular tabs suggest columns rather than overlapping worksheets. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

"A new building on our campus opened last year and featured many modern technologies, including very nice-looking glass doors through which you enter and exit the building. The problem is that the doors have identical handles on either side. The handles themselves are very attractive, but they don’t tell me what to do when I want to enter the building—should I push or pull the door? The handles on these particular doors suggest to me that they are made for grasping and pulling. However, the door goes in only one direction, and the very same handles appear on both sides of the door. Therefore, to enter the building, I have to use the handle to pull the door, and to exit, I have to use the identical type of handle to push the door. How would someone possibly know which way the door swings when approaching it?"

Continued here:

On the positive side, I love the new icons on the tool bars especially the one for inserting a chart. Also, I've been using and promoting LO since the beginning. I started with Open Office some moons ago and when Oracle messed everything up I switched over to LO and love it. So, I apologize for the rant. (My wife says I'm getting old and grumpy. Maybe she's right.)


On 3/22/2015 6:48 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
wdrago wrote

I just upgraded to (Windows) and I am not happy to
see that the worksheet selection buttons now look like
columns instead of folder tabs. Was there any logic behind
this change or is this change for the sake of change? How
does this make Calc more useable? What problem were users
having that this change solved?

Sorry for the rant, but I am getting tired of unnecessary
changes. I see this happening in all software, not just LO.
I do appreciate the product and all the hard work that goes
into it.

Sorry, but fully shown in the  4.4 release notes
<>   posted
since January.

/Tab changes

Sheet tabs (Calc) and layer tabs (Draw) were moved to an independent row and
are no longer displayed next to the horizontal scrollbar. As many visual
styles under Linux (in addition to the default OS X configuration) use very
thin scrollbars, these rendered the tabs too small to be clickable and, most
importantly, readable.

The tabs have an updated, flatter look./

You can read the rational and dev actions on  tdf#36772
<>  --UI: Sheet
tabs appear too small because LibreOffice has problems with certain themes
or does not force a minimim hight for tabs

And some counter discussion on  tdf#87684
<>  -- UI: Calc
sheet tabs and horizontal scroll bar are now wasting twice the space

Point is, this is nothing new or exceptional, the change was implemented Aug
2014.   If you'd like to avoid such unpleasantness, perhaps you should
invest a little of your own time and check out some of the more current
builds spun out by the project TinderBox's at

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