Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 28.06.2015 um 01:10 schrieb Gabriele Ponzo:
Mail merge is a Writer feature, but also Base reports rely on Writer!

Create a report using the wizard.
Group by person (forename and last name in the expample)
The problem with the report is that you never get separated pages for
each client. Ed wants to print/export one separate list per student.

You are correct! I can (and have) created just such a report but it's not what I actually need because as you correctly note, I need one separate list per student.

It is impossible to do because all this had been programmed without
every day use cases in mind.

That's a shame. While I'm inclined to address the problem myself by fixing the source code for LibreOffice, unfortunately I simply don't have that luxury of time at the moment.

It can be done without too much programming effort with the help of a
sophisticated spreadsheet template as printable report and a macro.

If I went to that much effort, I'd probably simply write everything in C++, LaTeX and MySQL and not use LibreOffice at all. What I was hoping to do instead, however, was to create a system that could be used and maintained by others in the coming years without my direct involvement. Alas, it doesn't seem that LO is quite sufficiently developed for that yet. I'll add it to my (long!) list of things to contribute fixes to when I have time.

Thanks very much to all who replied!


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