2015-11-05 1:28 GMT+01:00 Ken Springer <snowsh...@q.com>:

> If you want to go head to head with with MS or Corel, then you'll have to
> fix the problems your uses have with the program.

​It's been pointed out already, and I'll reproduce it here:

If this is a bug your options are:
> 1. Fix it yourself;
> 2. Pay for a fix;
> 3. Find a friend/family member to fix it;
> 4. Wait patiently until a volunteer *chooses* to fix it.

​Really, as with any opensource project, every resource is finite,
including dev time. What get prioritized by the main devs is (in no
particular order, this is a general remark not specific to LibreOffice)
bugs affecting a very large part of the userbase, trivial issues to fix
(those are rare!), and things that devs are interested in. This also mean
that problems users have with the program do get fixed (just check the

Beyond that, asking for an opensource project to dedicate resources to fix
a minor issue that is unnoticed by almost everyone (or, in the case of this
thread, something that is not even a bug in LibreOffice) is not reasonable.
If one encounter a particularly nasty issue and can't raise interest in it,
there are companies that can fix them for a price. It have happened before,
and I don't doubt that it will continue to happen.

Note that I'm not even touching the subject of those big corporations
reactivity with minor issues; commercial products might have more
ressources, but I'm sure there's a fair number of minor bugs that have left
some users disgruntled ;)

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